Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Do young woman these days no what Chivalry is???  Chivalry calls men to honor women, and to serve as their helpmates. This precept merely states the natural order of things. Men should honor women first as individuals, but also as the conduits and nurturers of life. That certain men commit violence against women, or treat them with disrespect, is an outrage against nature, and a slight against manhood.  Stop being men's play toys, and start getting the respect that you deserve.  Men are supposed to work for your affection, and work to keep it.  To tell you the truth men love a challenge anyway.  If there is no challenge, then we move on to the next.  Men have two types of woman.  One-  the girl that puts out, the girl that he can use when he wants, and how he wants.  Two-  the woman he loves, and will take home to mom.  Which one do you want to be??
Since when have woman allowed their man to call them "my bitch"?  When did they forget that a man should work for that first kiss?  Earn it through kindness, and respect.  Men have lost all chivalry because woman don't expect them to anymore.  Why work for that kiss when she will jump into bed with me just for saying HI.  Does he hold your hand when in public?  Does he let you know how special you are to him?  Does he make you feel like you are the only thing that matters in his life?  If not then why are you with him?  Wake up girls.  We are pigs, and you are allowing us to stay that way.  Make him show you that he loves you.  A man that loves you won't leave just because you keep your guard up with his sexual advances.  If he does then he does not deserve you anyway.  Be proud of the way you handle yourself.  Am I wrong to say that a young lady feels proud of themselves once the give their virginity to some dude that won't remember their name afterwards?  Your body is YOUR temple, don't let them violate that.

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