Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When will they learn

My wife has 12 siblings.  Each one of them was a teen parent.  Altogether they have 65 kids all of which are from different men, or woman.  Each one followed in their older sister, or brothers footsteps, not learning from watching how hard it is to be a teen parent, and the choices they lose when a child comes along.  Watching this I become very frustrated.  My heart goes out to every one of these kids who pretty much end up fending for themselves.  When did it become okay to bring a child into this world when you can not even take care of yourself.  My five sister in laws are all beautiful with the potential to have any man they want, but instead they have kids with men twice their age, ugly, no job, deal drugs, have no future, cheat on them, in some cases beat them.  Still they insist on having children with these parasites, only to be left alone losing their childhood to take care of another fatherless child.  Wake up girls!  There are good men out there, that still have chivalry in them.  You just have to keep your options open.  when you have a child your options become small.

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